News and Facts: Nuclear Industry and Radioactive Science

NNSA administrator: Strengthening America through nuclear security

December 16, 2018 By: Doc Nuke Category: In The News

[via DefenseNews]

The 2018 Nuclear Posture Review did not flinch from reality.

With Russia and China pursuing entirely new nuclear capabilities and the ongoing negotiations to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula, the geopolitical challenges are pressing.

There are challenges at home, too. Following the end of the Cold War, the infrastructure and capabilities needed to maintain a credible U.S. nuclear deterrent were neglected.

Staring down these realities, the 2018 NPR, released in February, set a clear course to modernize the nuclear security enterprise to face 21st century threats. The time is long past to provide the dedicated stewards of the U.S. nuclear deterrent with a modern, safe infrastructure and the critical tools needed to maintain it.

At the Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration, we are moving with a sense of urgency to implement this guidance. The imperative is unquestionable — to strengthen our nation through nuclear security.

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