News and Facts: Nuclear Industry and Radioactive Science

Archive for the ‘Fission’

Two Nuclear Microreactors Reach Milestone

January 17, 2025 By: Doc Nuke Category: Fission, Generation

Westinghouse and Radiant are developing some of the world’s smallest reactors. Funding for two new microreactors could bring reliable nuclear power to remote locations. Westinghouse secured US $3 million for its eVinci microreactor, and Radiant Industries received $2 million for its Kaleidos microreactor, both in November from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). (Learn More)

Charles River Laboratories Achieves 100% Renewable Electricity Usage Globally

May 13, 2024 By: Doc Nuke Category: Conservation, Fission, Generation

Charles River Laboratories International, Inc. announced it has reached 100 percent renewable electricity across all of its global sites as of the first quarter of 2024, significantly ahead of the original target date. In 2020, Charles River became one of the first 300 members of RE100, a global corporate renewable energy initiative, and committed to operating on 100 percent renewable electricity globally by 2030. Today, Charles River joins a small group of leading companies that have achieved this goal organization-wide in accordance with RE100’s standardized reporting criteria. [Learn More] read more